Texas TEAM Toolkits Interactive eBooks

$21.30$73.70 each

Online activities with connections to the English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) help students develop grade-level academic English needed for classroom success.

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Interactive eBooks for Texas TEAM Toolkits: Teaching ELs for Academic Language Mastery feature grade-level activities in reading, speaking, listening, and writing to help emergent bilingual students/English learners develop academic English.

See interactive eBook features and Terms of Usage for permissible use of eBooks.

Interactive Student eBooks

License is valid for one year from the activation date.

  • Online delivery of printed books with interactivity
  • Online answering for all questions
  • Recording for speaking activities
  • Audio for listening activities
  • Highlighter, notes, and bookmark tools
  • Instant scoring for selected-response items
  • Built-in teacher tools:
    – Score oral- and written-response questions.
    – Use reports to track student data and identify needs.
    – Create custom tests using your own content.
  • 24/7 access, compatible on all devices
  • Single sign-on and rostering available. Additional fees may apply.

Annotated Teacher’s Edition eBooks
One-time purchase
Each teacher eBook offers web-based delivery of the printed annotated teacher’s edition. Resources include a detailed overview of Texas TEAM, as well as support for each lesson:

  • Lesson objectives
  • Page-by-page directions and teaching strategies
  • Connections to the ELPS Student Expectations
  • Academic English identified by tier
  • Language differentiation strategies
  • Audio script for listening passages
  • Suggested pacing guidelines that can be adapted for your classroom use

Continental is an HISD and TIPS approved vendor. HISD vendor #34210.

Student Book: 184 pages
Annotated Teacher’s Edition: 248 pages

Click on the Preview button(s) below to access interior pages or other program content. These files can be viewed with Adobe Acrobat Viewer, iTunes, or Windows Media Player.

Levels AA-B (Grades K-2)
Level AA (Grade K) Student eBook Preview
Level A (Grade 1) Student eBook Preview
Level B (Grade 2) Student eBook Preview
Level AA (Grade K) Annotated Teacher's Edition with Scope & Sequence Preview
Level A (Grade 1) Annotated Teacher's Edition with Scope & Sequence Preview
Level B (Grade 2) Annotated Teacher's Edition with Scope & Sequence Preview
Levels C-E (Grades 3-5)
Level C (Grade 3) Student eBook Preview
Level D (Grade 4) Student eBook Preview
Level E (Grade 5) Student eBook Preview
Level C (Grade 3) Annotated Teacher's Edition with Scope & Sequence Preview
Level D (Grade 4) Annotated Teacher's Edition with Scope & Sequence Preview
Level E (Grade 5) Annotated Teacher's Edition with Scope & Sequence Preview
Levels F-H (Grades 6-8)
Level F (Grade 6) Student eBook Preview
Level G (Grade 7) Student eBook Preview
Level H (Grade 8) Student eBook Preview
Level F (Grade 6) Annotated Teacher's Edition with Scope & Sequence Preview
Level G (Grade 7) Annotated Teacher's Edition with Scope & Sequence Preview
Level H (Grade 8) Annotated Teacher's Edition with Scope & Sequence Preview
High School (Grades 9-12)
High School, Book 1 Student eBook Preview
High School, Book 2 Student eBook Preview
High School, Book 3 Student eBook Preview
High School, Book 1 Annotated Teacher's Edition with Scope & Sequence Preview
High School, Book 2 Annotated Teacher's Edition with Scope & Sequence Preview
High School, Book 3 Annotated Teacher's Edition with Scope & Sequence Preview

One-Year Student eBook License: Minimum order of 20 of the same eBook*. Valid for one year from activation date.

Student Set: Includes 1 printed student book and 1 FREE student eBook* license. Minimum order of 25 sets of the same level. FREE eBooks* are valid for one year from purchase date of student sets. FREE eBooks are only available in student sets.

Annotated Teacher’s Edition eBook: One-time purchase eBook*.

*See Terms of Usage for permissible use of eBooks.

Levels AA-B (Grades K-2)
ISBN Format Qty Price Each
0899-4 Individual Student eBook License, Level AA (Grade K) 20+ $21.30
0900-7 Individual Student eBook License, Level A (Grade 1) 20+ $21.30
0901-4 Individual Student eBook License, Level B (Grade 2) 20+ $21.30
2258-7 Student Set, Level AA (Grade K) 25+ $21.30
2259-4 Student Set, Level A (Grade 1) 25+ $21.30
2260-0 Student Set, Level B (Grade 2) 25+ $21.30
1426-1 Annotated Teacher's Edition eBook, Level AA (Grade K) 1+ $67.40
1427-8 Annotated Teacher's Edition eBook, Level A (Grade 1) 1+ $67.40
1428-5 Annotated Teacher's Edition eBook, Level B (Grade 2) 1+ $67.40
Levels C-E (Grades 3-5)
ISBN Format Qty Price Each
0902-1 Individual Student eBook License, Level C (Grade 3) 20+ $21.30
0903-8 Individual Student eBook License, Level D (Grade 4) 20+ $21.30
0904-5 Individual Student eBook License, Level E (Grade 5) 20+ $21.30
2261-7 Student Set, Level C (Grade 3) 25+ $21.30
2262-4 Student Set, Level D (Grade 4) 25+ $21.30
2263-1 Student Set, Level E (Grade 5) 25+ $21.30
1425-4 Annotated Teacher's Edition eBook, Level C (Grade 3) 1+ $67.40
1429-2 Annotated Teacher's Edition eBook, Level D (Grade 4) 1+ $67.40
1430-8 Annotated Teacher's Edition eBook, Level E (Grade 5) 1+ $67.40
Levels F-H (Grades 6-8)
ISBN Format Qty Price Each
0905-2 Individual Student eBook License, Level F (Grade 6) 20+ $21.30
0906-9 Individual Student eBook License, Level G (Grade 7) 20+ $21.30
0907-6 Individual Student eBook License, Level H (Grade 8) 20+ $21.30
2264-8 Student Set, Level F (Grade 6) 25+ $21.30
2265-5 Student Set, Level G (Grade 7) 25+ $21.30
2266-2 Student Set, Level H (Grade 8) 25+ $21.30
1431-5 Annotated Teacher's Edition eBook, Level F (Grade 6) 1+ $67.40
1432-2 Annotated Teacher's Edition eBook, Level G (Grade 7) 1+ $67.40
1433-9 Annotated Teacher's Edition eBook, Level H (Grade 8) 1+ $67.40
High School (Grades 9-12)
ISBN Format Qty Price Each
1398-1 Individual Student eBook License, High School (Book 1) 20+ $28.65
1399-8 Individual Student eBook License, High School (Book 2) 20+ $28.65
1400-1 Individual Student eBook License, High School (Book 3) 20+ $28.65
2267-9 Student Set, High School (Book 1) 25+ $28.65
2268-6 Student Set, High School (Book 2) 25+ $28.65
2269-3 Student Set, High School (Book 3) 25+ $28.65
1434-6 Annotated Teacher's Edition eBook, High School (Book 1) 1+ $73.70
1435-3 Annotated Teacher's Edition eBook, High School (Book 2) 1+ $73.70
1436-0 Annotated Teacher's Edition eBook, High School (Book 3) 1+ $73.70