Exploring English Grammar

Grades 3-8  |  Reading & Language Arts

$10.95$287.25 each

Need to fit grammar skills into your busy class time? Lessons are short and to the point, and skills are taught in context to deepen understanding.

Clear Selections

Grammar can be challenging for many students, especially when practice opportunities are few and far between. With Exploring English Grammar, students take an active role in the learning process with quick, meaningful review.

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Student Books

Series scope and sequence

  • Two-page lessons walk students through every skill.
  • Grammar is taught in context, as opposed to isolated sentences.
  • Units cover content-area topics that align to the top core basal programs at grade level.
  • Students apply their language skills in reading and writing activities.
  • Books are assigned alpha levels so they can be used for review at any grade level.

Annotated Teacher’s Editions

Teacher support includes series scope and sequence, suggestions for use, annotated student pages, objective and enrichment activities, and more.

Student Book: approx. 144 pages
Annotated Teacher’s Edition: approx. 88 pages

Hear what teachers have to say:

” LOVE these lessons! Short, sweet, to the point and simple. English grammar should not be an over-involved part of our day. ”
– Marcy Terry, 3rd Grade Teacher, OH

” I really like that in just a couple quick pages, I can teach and assess skills. ”
– Julie Roesch, 4th Grade Teacher, Lindbergh Elementary School, MN

” I love the application section because it really helps with students’ overall editing skills and deeper grasp of the concept. ”
– Colleen Brodbeck, 6th Grade Teacher, PA

” The application part is exactly what I like about this workbook. I like that the kids can go back easily into the Remember and Think About sections if they are stuck with this section. ”
– Marcy Terry, 3rd Grade Teacher, OH

” The in-context practice is very helpful to students. It gives them a better idea of why a particular skill is important/necessary. They will carry this learning over to their own writing. ”
– Danielle Boutin, EL Teacher K-5, Ledge Street School, NH

Click on the Preview button(s) below to access interior pages or other program content. These files can be viewed with Adobe Acrobat Viewer, iTunes, or Windows Media Player.

Level C (Grade 3)
Student Book Preview
Annotated Teacher's Edition Preview
Level D (Grade 4)
Student Book Preview
Annotated Teacher's Edition Preview
Level E (Grade 5)
Student Book Preview
Annotated Teacher's Edition Preview
Level F (Grade 6)
Student Book Preview
Annotated Teacher's Edition Preview
Level G (Grade 7)
Student Book Preview
Annotated Teacher's Edition Preview
Level H (Grade 8)
Student Book Preview
Annotated Teacher's Edition Preview

For your convenience, prices are listed below and can be printed for reference. Please place your order in the section above.

Student Book: Print or one-year license eBook*.

Classroom Set: Print or eBook*. Includes 25 copies of the same student book and 1 annotated teacher’s edition.

Annotated Teacher’s Edition: Print or one-time-purchase eBook*.

*See Terms of Usage for permissible use of eBooks.

Level C (Grade 3)
ISBN Format Qty Price Each
0265-7 Student Book 5+ $10.95
1838-2 Student eBook License 20+ $10.95
0355-5 Classroom Set 1+ $287.25
1850-4 Classroom Set eBook 1+ $287.25
0271-8 Annotated Teacher's Edition 1+ $26.30
1844-3 Annotated Teacher's Edition eBook 1+ $26.30
Level D (Grade 4)
ISBN Format Qty Price Each
0266-4 Student Book 5+ $10.95
1839-9 Student eBook License 20+ $10.95
0356-2 Classroom Set 1+ $287.25
1851-1 Classroom Set eBook 1+ $287.25
0272-5 Annotated Teacher's Edition 1+ $26.30
1845-0 Annotated Teacher's Edition eBook 1+ $26.30
Level E (Grade 5)
ISBN Format Qty Price Each
0267-1 Student Book 5+ $10.95
1840-5 Student eBook License 20+ $10.95
0357-9 Classroom Set 1+ $287.25
1852-8 Classroom Set eBook 1+ $287.25
0273-2 Annotated Teacher's Edition 1+ $26.30
1846-7 Annotated Teacher's Edition eBook 1+ $26.30
Level F (Grade 6)
ISBN Format Qty Price Each
0268-8 Student Book 5+ $10.95
1841-2 Student eBook License 20+ $10.95
0358-6 Classroom Set 1+ $287.25
1853-5 Classroom Set eBook 1+ $287.25
0274-9 Annotated Teacher's Edition 1+ $26.30
1847-4 Annotated Teacher's Edition eBook 1+ $26.30
Level G (Grade 7)
ISBN Format Qty Price Each
0269-5 Student Book 5+ $10.95
1842-9 Student eBook License 20+ $10.95
0359-3 Classroom Set 1+ $287.25
1854-2 Classroom Set eBook 1+ $287.25
0275-6 Annotated Teacher's Edition 1+ $26.30
1848-1 Annotated Teacher's Edition eBook 1+ $26.30
Level H (Grade 8)
ISBN Format Qty Price Each
0270-1 Student Book 5+ $10.95
1843-6 Student eBook License 20+ $10.95
0360-9 Classroom Set 1+ $287.25
1855-9 Classroom Set eBook 1+ $287.25
0276-3 Annotated Teacher's Edition 1+ $26.30
1849-8 Annotated Teacher's Edition eBook 1+ $26.30