NYS Finish Line Algebra I

Grades 8-12  |  State Standards

$6.80$24.80 each

Give your students instruction and practice to reinforce the Common Core Learning Standards (CCLS) and get ready for the Regents Algebra I Exam. See the New York CCLS/NYS Next Generation standards crosswalk.

Clear Selections

NYS Finish Line Algebra I provides instruction and practice for the New York Common Core Learning Standards (CCLS) and gets students ready for the Regents Algebra I Exam.

See the New York CCLS/NYS Next Generation standards crosswalk.

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Student Book

  • Lessons reinforce your teaching of tested Common Core Learning Standards (CCLS) for Algebra I.
  • Content and organization follow the curriculum sequence outlined by New York State.
  • Topics that are often stumbling blocks for students are covered in detail, starting with the fundamentals.
  • The progression of skills goes from recognizing and understanding forms and processes, to solving equations and inequalities, to modeling equations and graphs to represent real-life situations.
  • Rigorous multiple-choice and constructed-response items give students test-like practice.

Teacher’s Guide
The teacher’s guide includes suggestions for use, NYS Common Core Learning Standards for Algebra I, reproducible formula reference sheet, and answer key with standards alignment, sample exemplary responses for constructed-response items, error rationales for multiple-choice items, and scoring breakdown for constructed-response items.

Student Book: 296 pages

Click on the Preview button(s) below to access interior pages or other program content. These files can be viewed with Adobe Acrobat Viewer, iTunes, or Windows Media Player.

Grades 8-12
Student Book Preview

For your convenience, prices are listed below and can be printed for reference. Please place your order in the section above.

Student Book: Print or one-year eBook* license. Volume discounts are available below.

Teacher’s Guide: Print or one-time-purchase eBook*. FREE with the purchase of 25 student books.

*See Terms of Usage for permissible use of eBooks.

Grades 8-12
ISBN Format Qty Price Each
7648-2 Student Book 5 - 9 $24.80
7648-2 Student Book 10 - 29 $22.30
7648-2 Student Book 30+ $19.80
7710-6 Student eBook License 20+ $19.80
K7648-2 Teacher's Guide 1+ $6.80
0468-2 Teacher's Guide eBook 1+ $6.80