Finish Line New York Math, Third Edition

Grades 1-8  |  State Standards

$14.75$384.30 each

Four-part instructional lessons with NYS Next Generation connections build key math skills.

Clear Selections

Finish Line New York Math, Third Edition provides focused instruction and practice to help students think critically and master New York’s Common Core Learning Standards (CCLS).

New York CCLS/NYS Next Generation standards crosswalks

Student Books
Each student book includes 300+ pages.

  • The gradual release model includes four parts: Skill Introduction, Focused Instruction, Guided Practice, and Independent Practice.
  • Guided questions teach the process of how to answer a question.
  • Foundational skills are refreshed. The first unit in each book reviews big ideas from the previous grade with four-to-five topics that are key to new concepts in the current grade.
  • Flash cards and a glossary are provided for key concepts and vocabulary presented in the book.
  • eBooks are available. See features.

Teacher Support
Annotated teacher’s editions include instructions for using the student book; objective for each lesson; student book pages with correct answers, CCLS correlation, Depth of Knowledge (DOK) for each item, and answer rationales for items in the Independent Practice; extension activity/hands-on activity and vocabulary for each lesson; scoring rubrics; and connections to the Standards for Mathematical Practice.

Student Book: 300–328 pages
Annotated Teacher’s Edition: approx. 200 pages

Click on the Preview button(s) below to access interior pages or other program content. These files can be viewed with Adobe Acrobat Viewer, iTunes, or Windows Media Player.

Grade 1
Student Book Preview
Annotated Teacher's Edition Preview
Grade 2
Student Book Preview
Annotated Teacher's Edition Preview
Grade 3
Student Book Preview
Annotated Teacher's Edition Preview
Grade 4
Student Book Preview
Annotated Teacher's Edition Preview
Grade 5
Student Book Preview
Annotated Teacher's Edition Preview
Grade 6
Student Book Preview
Annotated Teacher's Edition Preview
Grade 7
Student Book Preview
Annotated Teacher's Edition Preview
Grade 8
Student Book Preview
Annotated Teacher's Edition Preview

Student Book: Print or one-year eBook* license. An answer key is FREE with the purchase of 25 of the same student books.

Classroom Set: Print or eBook*. Includes 25 copies of the same student book and 1 annotated teacher’s edition.

Annotated Teacher’s Edition: Print or one-time-purchase eBook*

*See Terms of Usage for permissible use of eBooks.

Grade 1
ISBN Format Qty Price Each
7899-8 Student Book 5+ $14.75
8974-1 Student eBook License 20+ $14.75
7973-5 Classroom Set 1+ $384.30
0531-3 Classroom Set eBook 1+ $384.30
7907-0 Annotated Teacher's Edition 1+ $26.30
0469-9 Annotated Teacher's Edition eBook 1+ $26.30
Grade 2
ISBN Format Qty Price Each
7900-1 Student Book 5+ $14.75
8975-8 Student eBook License 20+ $14.75
7974-2 Classroom Set 1+ $384.30
0532-0 Classroom Set eBook 1+ $384.30
7908-7 Annotated Teacher's Edition 1+ $26.30
0470-5 Annotated Teacher's Edition eBook 1+ $26.30
Grade 3
ISBN Format Qty Price Each
7901-8 Student Book 5+ $14.75
8976-5 Student eBook License 20+ $14.75
7975-9 Classroom Set 1+ $384.30
0533-7 Classroom Set eBook 1+ $384.30
7909-4 Annotated Teacher's Edition 1+ $26.30
0471-2 Annotated Teacher's Edition eBook 1+ $26.30
Grade 4
ISBN Format Qty Price Each
7902-5 Student Book 5+ $14.75
8977-2 Student eBook License 20+ $14.75
7976-6 Classroom Set 1+ $384.30
0534-4 Classroom Set eBook 1+ $384.30
7910-0 Annotated Teacher's Edition 1+ $26.30
0472-9 Annotated Teacher's Edition eBook 1+ $26.30
Grade 5
ISBN Format Qty Price Each
7903-2 Student Book 5+ $14.75
8978-9 Student eBook License 20+ $14.75
7977-3 Classroom Set 1+ $384.30
0535-1 Classroom Set eBook 1+ $384.30
7911-7 Annotated Teacher's Edition 1+ $26.30
0473-6 Annotated Teacher's Edition eBook 1+ $26.30
Grade 6
ISBN Format Qty Price Each
7904-9 Student Book 5+ $14.75
8979-6 Student eBook License 20+ $14.75
7978-0 Classroom Set 1+ $384.30
0536-8 Classroom Set eBook 1+ $384.30
7912-4 Annotated Teacher's Edition 1+ $26.30
0474-3 Annotated Teacher's Edition eBook 1+ $26.30
Grade 7
ISBN Format Qty Price Each
7905-6 Student Book 5+ $14.75
8980-2 Student eBook License 20+ $14.75
7979-7 Classroom Set 1+ $384.30
0537-5 Classroom Set eBook 1+ $384.30
7913-1 Annotated Teacher's Edition 1+ $26.30
0475-0 Annotated Teacher's Edition eBook 1+ $26.30
Grade 8
ISBN Format Qty Price Each
7906-3 Student Book 5+ $14.75
8981-9 Student eBook License 20+ $14.75
7980-3 Classroom Set 1+ $384.30
0538-2 Classroom Set eBook 1+ $384.30
7914-8 Annotated Teacher's Edition 1+ $26.30
0476-7 Annotated Teacher's Edition eBook 1+ $26.30