Coming Fall 2025!

Finish Line ELPA21 ePractice

Grades K-12  |  English Language Learning

$20.55$24.95 each

Build student confidence for test day with online ELPA21 practice tests featuring language domain lessons with ELPA21 item types.

Clear Selections

Promote test readiness for your English learners with Finish Line ELPA21 ePractice. Online ELPA21 practice tests give students language-centered lessons with ELPA21 item types so they know what to expect on test day. Printed workbooks are also available.

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Student License
License is valid for one year from the activation date.

  • Item types and language domains (writing, speaking, listening, reading) on the ELPA21 and state tests based on the ELPA21
  • Practice for the English Language Proficiency (ELP) Standards
  • Online answering for all questions
  • Instant scoring for selected-response items, scoring rubrics for writing with sample responses, scoring rubrics for speaking
  • Built-in teacher reports to track student data and identify needs
  • Flexibility of use: Pick and choose lessons, stop and go, skip questions and return later
  • 24/7 access on all devices

Teacher’s Guide eBook
One-time purchase
Resources include an answer key with correlations to domain, English Language Proficiency (ELP) standard (ELPA21 standard), modality, and ALD (Achievement Level Descriptor); scoring rubrics for writing with sample responses and speaking; and domain learning activities.

Student License: Minimum order of 20 licenses of the same grade.* Valid for one year from activation date.

Student Set: Includes 1 printed student book and 1 FREE student ePractice* license. Minimum order of 25 sets of the same grade. FREE ePractice licenses* are valid for one year from purchase date of student sets. FREE licenses are only available in student sets.

Teacher’s Guide eBook: One-time purchase*

*See Terms of Usage for permissible use of licenses.

Grade K
ISBN Format Qty Price Each
2568-7 Student License 20+ $20.55
2642-4 Student Set 25+ $20.55
2578-6 Teacher's Guide eBook 1+ $24.95
Grade 1
ISBN Format Qty Price Each
2569-4 Student License 20+ $20.55
2643-1 Student Set 25+ $20.55
2579-3 Teacher's Guide eBook 1+ $24.95
Grade 2
ISBN Format Qty Price Each
2570-0 Student License 20+ $20.55
2644-8 Student Set 25+ $20.55
2580-9 Teacher's Guide eBook 1+ $24.95
Grade 3
ISBN Format Qty Price Each
2571-7 Student License 20+ $20.55
2645-5 Student Set 25+ $20.55
2581-6 Teacher's Guide eBook 1+ $24.95
Grade 4
ISBN Format Qty Price Each
2572-4 Student License 20+ $20.55
2646-2 Student Set 25+ $20.55
2582-3 Teacher's Guide eBook 1+ $24.95
Grade 5
ISBN Format Qty Price Each
2573-1 Student License 20+ $20.55
2647-9 Student Set 25+ $20.55
2583-0 Teacher's Guide eBook 1+ $24.95
Grade 6
ISBN Format Qty Price Each
2574-8 Student License 20+ $20.55
2648-6 Student Set 25+ $20.55
2584-7 Teacher's Guide eBook 1+ $24.95
Grade 7
ISBN Format Qty Price Each
2575-5 Student License 20+ $20.55
2649-3 Student Set 25+ $20.55
2585-4 Teacher's Guide eBook 1+ $24.95
Grade 8
ISBN Format Qty Price Each
2576-2 Student License 20+ $20.55
2650-9 Student Set 25+ $20.55
2586-1 Teacher's Guide eBook 1+ $24.95
Grades 9-12
ISBN Format Qty Price Each
2577-9 Student License 20+ $20.55
2651-6 Student Set 25+ $20.55
2587-8 Teacher's Guide eBook 1+ $24.95