Why do a cat’s eyes glow in the dark? How did Frisbees get their start? Reading for Comprehension, Full-Color Edition interactive eBooks deliver the printed workbooks online with built-in features to enrich practice time. Engage readers, boost their reading and writing skills, and monitor their progress along the way!
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Your readers will benefit from:
- Practice in key reading and writing skills Learn more
- High-interest, nonfiction articles
- 2-page lessons that are easy to follow
- Skill labels in the opening lessons
- Online answering for all questions
- Audio for additional learning support
You’ll love the teacher features:
- Instant scoring for multiple-choice items
- Reports to track student data and identify needs
- Alpha-leveled books to find the best fit for your students
- 46 lessons per book for plenty of practice
- 24/7 on any device
Teacher’s guide eBooks include an evaluation chart, skill descriptors and instructional strategies, answer key, rubric, and reproducible graphic organizers.
Student eBook: 96 pages
Teacher’s Guide eBook: 32 pages
Hear what teachers have to say:
“ These are high-interest topics to my students. They love them! ”
– Neisha Bruce, 2nd Grade Teacher, Parkway Elementary School, NJ
“ The skill labels in the opening lessons are great! They’re especially helpful for my below-level students. ”
– Neisha Bruce, 2nd Grade Teacher, Parkway Elementary School, NJ
“ I require my students to highlight where they found their answers in the passage. The two-page format makes it easy since they don’t need to flip back and forth. ”
– Georgia Ricard, 1st Grade Teacher, MS
“ Students love the color format! They tell me it makes the article more interesting to read. ”
– Mrs. Nicholson, 6th Grade Teacher, NC