Award-Winning Series!

Discovery Series

Grades K-2  |  Early Literacy & Seedling

$39.75$926.40 each

The Discovery Series features nonfiction books with teaching support to help students practice reading informational text.

Clear Selections

The Discovery Series gives students practice in reading informational text. Nonfiction readers with teaching support help young learners build their skills and gain confidence.

  • 24 books are based on curriculum themes:

Health: 4 books
Animals: 8 books
Weather: 4 books
Math: 4 books
Senses: 4 books

  • To align with the Common Core, the books contain text features such as tables of contents, headings, captions, labels, and glossaries. View the Common Core correlation.
  • Teacher support cards enrich lessons with phonics and word recognition activities, discussion questions, and extension activities.
  • An award-winning series! Read the Teachers’ Choice Award for the Classroom evaluation.

This series is ideal for your science units on weather, animals, the senses, health, and math concepts. Students will not only read, but make connections to their world.

Use for:
• small group reading instruction
• individualized reading instruction of informational texts
• intervention block with students who need extra one on one support with reading

See our Discovery Connections Kit with readers and reproducibles to enrich and extend your lessons.

Book: 12 pages, 5 1/2″ x 7 1/2″
Guided Reading Level: F–K
Intervention/Reading Recovery Level: 10–18
Seedling Level: Early Fluent–Fluent
Literary Genre: Nonfiction
Title Notes: This series is approved by Reading Recovery® with the exception of All About Teeth, Counting Money, and Let’s Compare!

Click on the Preview button(s) below to access interior pages or other program content. These files can be viewed with Adobe Acrobat Viewer, iTunes, or Windows Media Player.

Grades K-2
Math Series book Preview
Senses Series book Preview
Weather Series book Preview
Health Series book Preview
Animals Series book Preview

See individual components.

Classroom Library for Complete Set:
24 books (1 copy of all 24 titles)
24 teacher support cards (1 for each title)

Guided Reading for Complete Set:
144 books (6 copies of all 24 titles)
24 teacher support cards (1 for each title)

Classroom Library for Math, Senses, Weather, and Health Series:
4 books (1 copy of all 4 titles in the series)
4 teacher support cards (1 for each title in the series)

Guided Reading for Math, Senses, Weather, and Health Series:
24 books (6 copies of all 4 series titles)
4 teacher support cards (1 for each title)

Classroom Library for Animals Series:
8 books (1 copy of all 8 titles)
8 teacher support cards (1 for each title)

Guided Reading for Animals Series:
48 books (6 copies of all 8 titles)
8 teacher support cards (1 for each title)

Grades K-2
ISBN Format Qty Price Each
7282-8 Classroom Library, Complete Series 1+ $234.45
7284-2 Classroom Library, Math Series 1+ $39.75
7286-6 Classroom Library, Senses Series 1+ $39.75
7288-0 Classroom Library, Weather Series 1+ $39.75
7290-3 Classroom Library, Health Series 1+ $39.75
7292-7 Classroom Library, Animals Series 1+ $79.60
7283-5 Guided Reading, Complete Series 1+ $926.40
7285-9 Guided Reading, Math Series 1+ $158.85
7287-3 Guided Reading, Senses Series 1+ $158.85
7289-7 Guided Reading, Weather Series 1+ $158.85
7291-0 Guided Reading, Health Series 1+ $158.85
7293-4 Guided Reading, Animals Series 1+ $314.70