
Treetop Books Series

Grades 1-3  |  Early Literacy & Seedling

$72.00$419.00 each

With this series, your readers can move to the next level of learning as they develop their love for reading!

Clear Selections

With our Treetop Books Series, your readers can move to the next level of learning as they develop their love for reading! This series motivates and supports transitional readers with:

  • High-interest topics
  • Higher reading levels with trade book types texts
  • Phonetic work, word patterns appropriate for mini-lessons in guided reading groups
  • Fiction and nonfiction topics that meet curriculum needs
  • Conventional spacing, fonts, and paragraphs
  • Glossaries, bilingual text, specific vocabularies, dialogues, chapters, and table of contents

View all 12 titles included in this series.

Book: 12–20 pages, 8 1/4″ x 6 3/8″ or 6 3/8″ x 8 1/4″
Guided Reading Level: K–N
Intervention/Reading Recovery Level: 18–22
Seedling Level: Transitional
Word Count: 188–662
Literary Genre: Fiction and Nonfiction

Click on the Preview button(s) below to access interior pages or other program content. These files can be viewed with Adobe Acrobat Viewer, iTunes, or Windows Media Player.

Grades 1-3
Riding the Roller Coaster book Preview
Cleaning Day at the Firehouse book Preview

Classroom Library:
12 books (1 copy of all titles)

Guided Reading:
72 books (6 copies of 12 titles)

Grades 1-3
ISBN Format Qty Price Each
1754-6 Classroom Library 1+ $72.00
3079-8 Guided Reading 1+ $419.00