
Los ratones viven en todas partes

Grades K-2  |  Early Literacy & Seedling

$4.65$27.35 each

This nonfiction reader shows how these adaptable rodents are found in environments all over the world. Written in the Spanish language.

Clear Selections

En la imaginación los ratones aparecen en todas partes, y en la realidad estos adaptables roedores se encuentran en hábitats de todo el mundo.

Mice appear everywhere in fiction, and in reality these adaptable rodents are found in environments all over the world.

This book is part of the Spanish Readers Collection.

Theme support: animal families, going places, being me, treasures, fact book

Book: 8 pages, 5 1/2″ x 6 1/2″
DLL Level: 10-11
Word Count: 95
Literary Genre: Nonfiction

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Grades K-2
Los ratones viven en todas partes book Preview

For your convenience, prices are listed below and can be printed for reference. Please place your order in the section above.

Grades K-2
ISBN Format Qty Price Each
4240-1 Single Book 1+ $4.65
4668-3 6-Pack 1+ $27.35