Our Nonfiction Lap Books can help you:
- teach content-related topics at lower reading levels.
- support students as they learn vocabulary, facts, and concepts.
- introduce new concepts.
- activate students’ prior knowledge to the theme or main idea of the book.
- make connections for cross-curricular activities.
Books are sold individually and as a collection.
6 Social Studies titles:
- Bridges (RR 5, GR D)
- I Am (RR 3*, GR B)
- All Over the World (RR 7, GR E)
- Before the Fridge (RR 12, GR G)
- Container Ships (RR 14, GR H)
- The Panama Canal (RR 16, GR I)
6 Science titles:
- Magnets (RR 2, GR B)
- The Sun’s Magic (RR 2, GR B)
- The Elephant’s Trunk (RR 7, GR E)
- Wolves (RR 7, GR E)
- Mice Live Everywhere (RR 12 GR G)
- Toad or Frog? (RR 17*, GR I)
6 Mathematics titles:
- My Class (RR 1, GR A)
- In My Room (RR 5*, GR D)
- Shells (RR 2, GR B)
- A Shape Story (RR 5, GR D)
- Molly Makes a Graph (RR 11, GR G)
- Gerbils Measure Up (RR 7, GR E)
*On the Reading Recovery Book List
Books: 11 5/8″ x 13 3/4″
Guided Reading Level: A–I
Intervention/Reading Recovery Level: 1–16
Seedling Level: Early Emergent–Fluent
Literary Genre: Nonfiction