

Grades K-2  |  Early Literacy & Seedling

$4.65$27.35 each

A toad enjoys a yummy meal on a warm summer night until the porch light goes off! This book is written in the Spanish language.

Clear Selections

Un sapo disfruta de una riquísíma comida hasta que la luz del pórtico se apaga.

A toad enjoys a yummy meal on a warm summer night until the porch light goes off! Additional information about toads is included.

This book is part of the Spanish Readers Collection.

Theme support: toads, animals, realistic fiction

Book: 8 pages, 5 1/2″ x 6 1/2″
DLL Level: 8
Word Count: 98
Literary Genre: Fiction

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Grades K-2
¡Zas! book Preview

For your convenience, prices are listed below and can be printed for reference. Please place your order in the section above.

Grades K-2
ISBN Format Qty Price Each
4249-4 Single Book 1+ $4.65
4661-4 6-Pack 1+ $27.35