At-home Learning!

The Partners Literacy Kit for Parents

Grades K-2  |  Early Literacy & Seedling

$119.90 each

Promote one-on-one home learning with this parent-friendly kit. Great for lending libraries!

Clear Selections

The Challenge:
Parents and volunteers are eager to provide reading support, but they don’t always have the training to make them effective partners.

The Solution:
The Partners Literacy Kit for Parents
• Show parents how to apply reading strategies at home
• Guide parents with expert literacy information in a clear and accessible format
• Reinforce the instruction used in the classroom
• Give students extra practice with material at the right reading level
• Make the valuable home-school connection

How the kit works:
Starting with The Partners Video (DVD) and The Partners Handbook as a foundation, this kit includes some great resources to help parents become at-home teaching partners. The 25-minute video shows parents strategies for helping children learn to read. Live-action demonstrations show adults employing the Six Strategies for Success and using prompting questions with young readers. It also shows parents how to use The Partners Bookmark, a quick reference for the prompts, to support their teaching efforts.

The Seedling Guide to the Partners Literacy Kit for Parents has been developed especially for this kit and works in combination with each of the ten readers. For each reader, the Guide offers helpful suggestions for the entire reading process, from before the book is opened, to after the story is over. When a Child Reads… and When a Child Writes… answer parents’ most common questions about these topics. These resources combined create a great way for parents to develop confidence in their teaching skills!

Promote one-on-one home learning with this parent-friendly kit. Great for lending libraries!

Click on the Preview button(s) below to access interior pages or other program content. These files can be viewed with Adobe Acrobat Viewer, iTunes, or Windows Media Player.

Grades K-2
The Partners Literacy Kit for Parents Preview

For your convenience, prices are listed below and can be printed for reference. Please place your order in the section above.

Kit with DVD: Includes:
-1 Partners Video (DVD)
-1 Partners Handbook
-1 When a Child Reads…
-1 When a Child Writes…
-1 Partners Bookmark
-1 each of 10 readers: Oh, No, Sherman!; The Cat Who Loved Red; No Luck!; Here’s Skipper; Runaway Monkey; Boxes, Boxes, Boxes; Where Does the Teacher Sleep?; Snuggle Up; All Over the World; The Goat Who Wouldn’t Come Home

Grades K-2
ISBN Format Qty Price Each
4871-7 Kit with DVD 1+ $119.90