
Nursery Rhyme Resource Guide

Grades K-2  |  Early Literacy & Seedling

$21.50$599.90 each

This guide provides helpful ideas for lesson plans and creative classroom activities for all 24 nursery rhyme titles.

Clear Selections

The Nursery Rhyme Resource Guide provides helpful ideas for lesson plans and creative classroom activities for all 24 nursery rhyme titles.

Great flexibility!
Each lesson has four parts: Reading the Rhyme, Shared Reading of the Story, Guided and Independent Reading, and After Reading. Focus your lessons on the first three parts of the sequence or select the part of the lesson that best fits your teaching needs.

The guide ties together all nursery rhyme components:

Additional lesson support
Lessons also provide phonemic awareness activities, theme connections, text features, vocabulary, and suggestions for related activities in math, science, and music, and for sharing the books with families.

Guide: 64 pages, 8 1/2″ x 11″, spiral binding
Guided Reading Level: C-E
Intervention/Reading Recovery Level: 3-7
Seedling Level: Early Emergent-Emergent
Literary Genre: Fiction

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Grades K-2
Nursery Rhyme Resource Guide book Preview

For your convenience, prices are listed below and can be printed for reference. Please place your order in the section above.

Resource Guide: Available individually and in the packages

Classroom Library Package: 1 Nursery Rhyme Resource Guide plus 24 Nursery Rhyme Readers (1 copy of all 24 titles)

Guided Reading Package: 1 Nursery Rhyme Resource Guide plus 144 Nursery Rhyme Readers (6 copies of all 24 titles)

Grades K-2
ISBN Format Qty Price Each
4100-8 Resource Guide 1+ $21.50
4169-5 Classroom Library Package 1+ $129.60
4108-4 Guided Reading Package 1+ $599.90