New York Content Reading for the Common Core State Standards provides practice for the Common Core ELA standards using passages that are correlated to the New York State Standards for Social Studies and Science. It’s an ideal tool to help improve reading skills while reinforcing content.
Differentiated reading
Lessons feature the same article written at two reading levels: one grade below and at-grade. The readability chart in the teacher’s guide helps you assign appropriate practice for every student.
Increasing levels of difficulty
Questions test basic skills and move to higher-order thinking as required by the Common Core.
Performance projects
Student books feature a list of project-based activities to support the highest levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy and the Common Core.
Content area focus
Passages are written to the New York State Standards for Social Studies and Science. This feature aligns with the Common Core’s emphasis on comprehension of informational text in the content areas.
Student Book: 112 pages
Teacher’s Guide: 40-49 pages