Tips for Saving Money on Educational Purchasing
More than ever, schools have become budget-conscious. Unfortunately, out of necessity, saving money seems to take priority over anything else. Luckily, you can still offer your students quality materials without breaking the bank.
Out of all the questions I am asked during my school visits, hands down the most popular question is, “How can I save on my instructional materials costs?”
There are several steps you can take with publishers to reduce costs and still receive the curriculum support you need.
Try these ideas for saving money on educational purchasing:
Sign up for savings
Some companies offer sales periodically throughout the year, so be sure you know when to take advantage of savings. Join email lists and connect with publishers on social media sites to keep informed. These are quick and easy ways to get the most for your money—a few simple steps on your end will ensure you get the best deals and the latest news on specials or sale items.
Look at the long term
When you’re buying for your classroom, think strategically to get the most from the products you purchase. Reproducible products, technology, and student answer booklets can all save you money in the long run.
Team up with friends
Many times, you can find discounts based on quantity purchases of the same product. Before you buy, check with other teachers at your school, other schools in your district, or even other districts in your area, to see if you can combine products into one order and get the best price.
Rely on sales reps
You don’t have to be afraid of your sales rep. Publisher sales representatives are there to help you find exactly what you need and help you get the best deal. Take advantage of their expertise and knowledge of products and special offers. They can not only find the right products for your needs but also recommend ways to maximize your dollars.
Cash in on comments
Publishers are often hungry for feedback about their products. In exchange for honest and valuable input, you can often receive free products or discounts. Many times, this opportunity isn’t made public, so be sure to contact the company if you’re interested in contributing your opinion.
Grab some giveaways
Some publishers hold free product giveaways for schools as part of special celebrations. Look for freebies at educational conferences, on a company’s social media pages, in their catalog, or on their website. Keep your eyes open for emails and mailings offering free products, as well. These are often timed to correspond to the holidays or teacher appreciation week.
With a little research on your end, it’s easy to find ways to save money without compromising quality when it comes to purchasing educational materials. You’ll keep your students—and your budget—on track.